Friday, December 31, 2010

Scenes from 2010

Why is it that every year people always say that the year just flew by?  Do the years ever go by slowly?  Perhaps, for me, 2010 flew by faster than other years, but not significantly faster than 2008 or 2009, at least from what I can remember.  Since this blog has taken off and photography has consumed my life, I thought I would post some images that represent the basis of my work from 2010.  Cityscape, night, and street photography is what I've been primarily doing.  There will be many changes and improvements coming to Your Daily Dose in 2011, so stay tuned.  Thanks for stopping by and supporting the blog, this would all be worthless without your interest!   
"Nightviews." This scene is overlooking portions of Streeterville and River North from the Hancock Center.  Michigan Avenue is lite up to the left.       

"3 White Hats."  At times street photography can be so challenging that even focusing properly is difficult.  This photo was taken through an indoor window at Union Station.  I had to take the shot rather quickly so the guy on his phone wouldn't notice me.                        
"Working Late."  Street photography does not necessarily need the street in the scene in order to create a street photograph.  Since the sun has been setting at around 4:30 PM, I've been practicing most of my photography at night.  Many of my images involve "shadow people."  I've been trying to make the most of it.  

"Hawks Bring It Home."  One of the many exciting things about photography is that it allows for opportunities in photojournalism.  On June 11, 2010 the Chicago Blackhawks rolled down Washington Street celebrating the return of the Stanley Cup to Chicago after a 49 years.  It was difficult getting quality shots with the crowd in front of me and the parade constantly on the move.  Pictured directly above is Jonathan Toews lifting the the Stanley Cup and Patrick Kane popping champagne.  In the third image down Toews is lifting his MVP trophy for the crowd.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

More from Zoolights

The Zoolights were so nice I had to post them twice.  Scroll down to the post on Christmas Eve to see the original set.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Picasso

Pablo Picasso donated this 50ft. sculpture to Chicago in 1967.  Located in Daley Plaza, the sculpture that was never given a name has been described as some kind of bird or a something that resembles a woman’s profile.  Chicago was not accustomed to public sculptural displays that lacked historical significance, so initial reviews of the Picasso were met with controversy.  These days the landmark can be used as a meeting place for loop goers as well as a climbing apparatus for children (or adults who act like children). 

An interesting note is that Picasso refused a $100,000 fee for his work because he wanted to provide the display as a gift to the people of Chicago.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The Chicago Photography Center will be having their 2nd annual open house on January 4th - 7th from 6:30 to 9p.  As a current member, I will be there taking advantage of a few of the free workshops.  They will range from tutorials on street photography to Multi-image HDR processing.  The CPC is located in Lakeview at 3301 N. Lincoln Avenue in the building above.  This photograph was shot from the ground using a gorillapod on a cold night about a month ago. 

Monday, December 27, 2010


A Chicago police officer slowly approaches the newsstand at Union Station.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Macy's holiday horns at 111 N State Street in the Loop

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Daley Christmas Tree

There were more than 70 applicants this year for the official Daley Plaza Christmas Tree located in the Loop at Washington and Dearborn.  The winner is this 75 year old, 70ft. blue spruce from the Colomer family in northwest suburban McHenry County.  Situated behind the tree is the neo-gothic Chicago Temple Building home of the First United Methodist Church.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Highlights from ZooLights

Yesterday I needed to see for myself what Lincoln Park ZooLights were all about.  The images of this yearly event that I had seen of others were very pleasing to the eye.  The Lincoln Park Zoo is very Gorillapod friendly, pun intended.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brown Line Passing

The Brown Line passing over the Chicago River on the Wells Street Bridge. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

City Hall

City Hall looks incredible during Christmas.  I know, the person in the center is one legged and headless, but that's what happens during those long exposures.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010


The Archbishop Quigley Center at 101 E. Chestnut Street is an architectural masterpiece. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


If I can't buy a Lamborghini at least I can afford that lousy t-shirt.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Burnett and United

The Leo Burnett Building (left) and United Building (right) stand tall along Wacker Drive.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

View from 1000 Feet

Looking down 94 stories from the Hancock Observatory.

Friday, December 3, 2010

West Lakeview

Over the past two months the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce held a photo contest of scenes representing West Lakeview, which is the area bounded by Racine to Ravenswood and Irving Park to Diversey.  My submission is the 6 corners of Ashland, Lincoln, and Belmont.  Check out the Chamber of Commerce Flickr page here.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chicago Tribune

Pictured above is the Tribune Tower in all its glory.  Last night the Chicago Tribune hosted a book-signing party for the release of "Chicago in Season: A Collection of Images By the Chicago Tribune Photographers."  Inside is a rare look at city of Chicago through the eyes of some of the nation's best photographers. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


There is definitely a gritty vibe at the dingy Clark and Division Red Line.