Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Pool Has Been Filled

Rooftop pools are opening all throughout Chicago this weekend.  If I go missing this summer, you will probably be able to find me here.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pigeon Shadow

A view under the L in antique grey.  I just like the fluttering pigeon entering the stairwell.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lunch Buddies

When practicing street photography it's always nice to find people and objects in pairs.  Like playing poker, it's even nicer to find 2 pair. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

AC Miller Photography is Live!

Alright folks, the website has gone public, finally! It has been months in the making due to the heavy tweaking and prolonged procrastination.  Like my life, it will be a continuous work in progress.  I am going to consider the site in its infancy period with a grand vision for what it can and will become.  I need to give a special thanks to the Chicago Photography Center for my raffle-winning night during the open house, Smugmug for providing an excellent web hosting service, and Adrienne with JR Customization for her superior skills in web design.  And, especially to all of my family, friends, and numerous acquaintances who inspire me everyday and without this site would be meaningless.  To be directed to AC Miller Photography just click on the image above or be redirected here, http://www.acmillerphotography.com.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Purple Scarf, West Loop

This photo was taken one week ago on an unusually cold and windy day for May.  I'm hoping this will be one of the last scarf wearer I see in the city until December.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Inauguration Day in Chicago 1

Rahm Emanuel is sworn into office as the 46th mayor of Chicago by Chief Judge Timothy Evans.

Mayor Emanuel addresses the crowd with a speech focused on many of the problems that need to be fixed in Chicago.  Emanual said, "For all the students who deserve a school system that expects every student to earn a diploma; for all the neighbors who deserve to walk home on safer streets; for all the taxpayers who deserve a city government that is more effective and costs less; and for all the people in the hardest-working city in America who deserve a strong economy so they can find jobs or create jobs - this is your day."

Officer Pierce of the CPD

Secret Service was on hand, Vice President Joe Biden was in attendance.

Milliennium Park's Pritzker Pavillion

Friday, May 13, 2011

Eerie Scene

For Friday the 13th I thought I would post an eerie scene at dusk from my Cabrini collection.  This was taken the night before demolition began on 1230 N Burling the final Cabrini Green high-rise.  You can see a couple of the lights shining from the LED Art Installation on the right half of the building.

Paintings at Milliennium Park

This photo was taken with film in the winter of 2008 when I was in Chicago for the day in search of a job. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Milton Olive Park

I've been living in the city for almost 3 years now and there still new stones to be unturned.  The other day I took the bike down the Lake Shore Trail and discovered Milton Olive Park.  Down the path and to the left are stellar views of the city along the lake.  I have a feeling I'll be back here soon.  Milton L. Olive III was an army solider and Medal of Honor recipient from Chicago who died in the Vietnam War in 1964 at the age of 18.  He sacrificed his life by smothering a live grenade which saved those around him.