Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chicago Blues Festival 2011 and some Street Photography

Since today is the last day of June I thought I better post the photos from this year's Chicago Blues Festival that was held in Grant Park the weekend of June 10-12.  My concentration was on the performers on stage and some street photography throughout the festival.  Here are my favorites that made the final cut.  Not too bad for a photographer holding a beer.  Happy Summer!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Salpicon, Wells Street, Old Town

Old Town is home to many of Chicago's Victorian-era buildings constructed during the 19th century.  Over the past 20-30 years gentrification has transformed the neighborhood into more of an exclusive hotspot.  Old Town's charm is based on the great restaurants and bars, but the historical architecture and old businesses that continue to thrive in the area.  While Wells Street has maintained its historical look, many modern-styled buildings have risen in between.  The Salpicon Restaurant is a prime example of the old and new that exists up and down Wells Street between Division and North Avenue.  Salpicon serves authentic, upscale Mexican food that I have yet to try.  It seems that the food is similar to how you could describe the architecture - traditional red-brick fused with expensive modern glass.

Monday, June 20, 2011

"This is Chicago and Franklin" - CTA Guy

One of my favorite stations along the L.  The Chicago Brown (and Purple Line Express) station has a great views and is much less touristy than downtown stations along the Red Line.  Not to say that I have anything against tourists.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Two Faces Emerging, Michigan Avenue

This is an image that I overlooked the past few months.  On the Saturday afternoon before St. Patrick's Day, I stepped down to Lower Michigan Avenue to get away from the crowds to use the phone.  As I was walking up my plan was to capture an image of the stairway and the Wrigley Building clock tower.  This couple walked past at just the right moment.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nightlife, Rush Street

"65E N Rush"

"Jilly's Outdoor"

"Hangge-Uppe Your Troubles"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Viagra Triangle, Rush and State

If you don’t live in Chicago you may not have heard of the Viagra Triangle.  A triangle is formed where Rush and State Streets meet with Bellevue Place closing off the end in the Gold Coast.  This is spot is officially called Mariano Park set with park benches, public tables, and a food and beverage shop.  Oh, you will also find old, wealthy men on the prowl for younger women - hence the name Viagra Triangle.  The name also is used to refer to the area of upscale bars and restaurants that surround it.  I have even heard that Gibson's (seen in the background) is the unofficial headquarters.  I would like to think that this image encompasses the innocents of an area where a whole lot of sinnin' is going on.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Old Water Tower Place, Magnificient Mile

As you can see, you really can find manicured lawns in the city.  Old Water Tower Place sits beyond the trees on Michigan Avenue.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Naked Bike Ride with Traffic Jam, LaSalle and Division

The World Naked Bike Ride (and Skate) - "Celebrating freedom from oil, and the beauty of people" - took off from a location in the West Loop and made its tour around the city last night.  After hearing the commotion I ran to my window and took a few images as the bikers came pouring through my neighborhood.  The riders were densely packed at the front and began to disperse out toward the back as seen in this photo.  From what I was able to see, riding naked was optional.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lakefront Trail, Streeterville

This area can be found where the Chicago River meets Lake Michigan in the Streeterville neighborhood.  The road shown is Lake Shore Drive and the NBC Tower is illuminated in the background about an hour before sunset.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fist, Franklin Street

I discovered this fist sculpture on the west side of the Merch Mart in River North.  I'm not quite sure what it is suppose to represent, but I will try to find some answers and re-post this caption soon.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gold Coast Skyline

These images were taken at dusk from the Lake Shore Boardwalk in the Gold Coast.  A few steps back and to the right I would have ended up in the lake.  I've taking the bike out to the lake front trail lately.  This area in particular is where Lake Shore Drive begins to bend as you head to the north side of the city.  From the boardwalk you can get some towering views of the Hancock Center and surrounding buildings.  It's also a great way to the see the Gold Coast high rises hovering over Lake Shore Drive.  I suppose if I played around with Photoshop I would be able to bring out the reflections of the sunset over the lake.