- Today marks the 4 year anniversary of my move to Chicago. I am inspired by the beauty in this city everyday! It wasn't long after I was settled in that I purchased a new camera and renewed my love for photography. In October 2010 I created this blog as a way of staying committed to to practicing the art on a regular basis. I am constantly brainstorming for new projects, but many of my past ideas have not been completed. Here's a list of 10 projects and shooting assignments that I would like to finish by this time next year.
- Go to Wicker Park and for street photography, day and night.
- Shoot street photography in Pilsen, at and around18th Street.
- Complete my Portraits of Chicago project
- Shoot murals and street art in various neighborhoods in the city, particularly Rogers Park, Edgewater, and Pilsen.
- Complete a glass skyscraper assignment highlighting various buildings and angles.
- Include short captions with every photo in a blog post.
- Reorganize my website and include captions and short narratives for my photos and portfolios.
- Create a short video of Chicago street photography set to music and post it on YouTube and Vimeo.
- Complete my NYC street photography and architecture portfolios.
- Master flash photography.
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